Saturday, October 22, 2011


Summer's heavy rains washed out the colors of Autumn, but nonetheless, there is no shortage of beauty.
Family dogs are honored with headstones.
My true love. We've been together now for what seems like a lifetime. Good ol' Joe. Always there for me when I need him most. Never fails to jump-start my days and make life's difficulties just a little easier to swallow. Call me shallow, but I love that he's rich. While my husband sleeps... a walk in the morning... wind chills and wonder... tranquility... inspiration and contemplation... reality on hold... just me, my best friends, sweater weather and Joe. He may not be everyone's cuppa tea, but he's my cuppa Joe. I confess. My endless love is for my morning Joe. Smooth as can be. Light. Sweet. Warming.


Debi said...

Good Morning ~ Having that cup of Joe myself right now (actually several). I feel the same way. Something's amiss if I don't have the Joe. Your picture up top is just beautiful of the land layout. Just heaven. Love the tombstones for beloved companions. Nice way to honor them.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I'm crazy for coffee. I have three cups in the morning and another in the afternoon.