Saturday, July 16, 2011


Without you, would there have been a ground to till or a seed to sow... would I have seen sunflowers dance in the breeze or unlocked the secrets of an heirloom tomato... would the miracle of a green pepper turning red have enriched me or would a striped eggplant have amused me... would I have witnessed a sunrise light the mountains on fire or a sunset give way to a million-watt moon... without you, would thirst have taken the garden or would have the fullest moon been celebrated... would I have even set eyes on the dark horse running across its burning brilliance... My chosen one, you are a code undecodable... unbearable at times... impossible at best... yes, I would marry you again and again and again and again, but with a few adjustments and separate vacations every now and then.

1 comment:

Mallu said...

Well, now, Bear... Will wonders never cease?